Archive for February 2011

Pilot Season has begun!   Leave a comment

It has been busy this last month getting settled in.  I always mean to post more, but wow, a lot is going on!

Cody has been auditioning for some pilots, and today we officially found out that one he tested for he did not get.  More on this later.  This is our first pilot season here in Los Angeles, so we’re ready for being busy!

In this hectic month, we got new headshots for him.  His last ones were taken in April 2010, and it is amazing how much he has changed in just nine months!  Here are the ones his agents and manager chose out of the 300.  There were only about 10 I didn’t like, so it was nice to have their help!




For those of you that don’t know, the difference between a Commercial Headshot and and a Theatrical Headshot is shown here.  Why have both?

To make it easy, commercial headshots are to bring to commercial auditions, and also to comedy auditions.  Theatrical is for the drama shows and films.

So now he’s ready to run with the new headshots!  Just in time for the auditions he’s getting.

Now, for the pilot he tested for.  It was for Disney, and while he did not get it, and he is a little disappointed, there is more to look at than “he just didn’t get it.”

For those of you that don’t know here is how the process works;

Auditions are usually what casting directors call “pre-reads” and they bring MANY in just for one role.

Callbacks can be the casting director bringing in the few they’ve narrowed down to to narrow down further, OR

It can also be a producer’s session.  This is where the producer’s are either in the room, or they will see the video (sometimes a combination of the two depending on how many producers there are).

Producer’s sessions can be multiple as well as the callbacks for the casting directors (there is no set number, it depends on the project).

Once the producer’s have narrowed it down, it goes to testing, and at this point there is just 2 or 3 for a role.  The various actors will come together to test and read together.  This is sometimes called a chemistry read.

The good points in this?  Cody made the casting director look great!   The producers also told him that he hit every single comedic timing point exactly as written and they wanted it.  He left a good impression.

Yes, he was a little disappointed–who wouldn’t be.  But he’s got a great attitude.  Of course, the fact that he had another audition today, and another scheduled for next week (so far) might have helped redirect his attention.  No, he didn’t get it, so he moves on to the next thing.  Honestly it is the best attitude to have–and I’m glad he has it.

See more of Cody’s headshots at:;; or follow his fan page on facebook