Archive for the ‘audition’ Tag

The top 7 reasons I encourage my son to be an actor   1 comment

The top 7 reasons I encourage my son to be an actor

There was an article on Backstage recently written by a casting director “5 Reasons I Won’t Discourage My Daughter From Acting.” For those of you that are not in the industry, a casting director is the person you go see for an audition.  I have to say I commend this woman for this article. And not just because my son is an actor. Cathy Reinking has been a casting director for more than 20 years, so she is not a newby by any stretch. It’s a refreshing change to so much negative we see regarding acting – especially for a child actor.

What struck me was reading the comments below her post and one individual who makes the comment about how she’s never been an actor herself and doesn’t understand when others should be discouraged (gently of course) from getting in to this business.

doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

I find this a narrow-minded view. I am not young by any stretch – and this business is not the only area I have seen this “opinion” and parents that say “I would NEVER let my child do _____ for a living.” Whether it be in sports, military, legal, health, teacher, social work…you get the picture. Ironically, these same parents are happy doing these jobs (most of the time) and they do them well, just as Cathy states in her article of the parents she’s met.  Why not encourage your child to do what it is they love to do?  And what is wrong if they choose to follow in your footsteps?  Why is it necessary to discourage ANYONE from going after their dream – regardless of what that dream is? (gently or otherwise?) Instead of assuming a child “can’t handle it” or “can’t stick it out” or “doesn’t have the talent” what exactly is the harm in explaining to them what it takes (at an age appropriate level of course), and letting them take classes, and go one step at a time to see if they want to delve farther in to what their interests are?

I got a dose of this myself when my son decided to audition for the part of Ryan in High School Musical Junior at the local Oz children’s theatre. I wanted to “protect him” from the disappointment that might come if he didn’t get the part.  It was his first audition.  I thought I was preparing him and told him to just realize he might not get the part. After all, I am the mom and I don’t want to see him crushed. After I had said this the second or third time, driving to the audition, from the back seat he said to me “please don’t say that.” And, still thinking I needed to “prepare him” I asked him why not.  His answer hit me like a ton of bricks. “Because I have faith in myself.”  He was 9 years old. I shut up. Even at 9 he spoke with more conviction than I have heard from many adults.  And he got the part.  The joy on his face when he performed on that stage put me in tears – not tears of pride because my son was on stage – but tears because I got to witness the pure joy on his face doing what he loves.

Since then I have not discouraged him from doing anything – as long as it is legal, of course.  It’s not my job to discourage my son and tell him all the negatives and all the reasons why he should not do what is his passion; it is my job as his mom to prepare him for the world and to do what he can to make it a better place. He will need to make many decisions as an adult when I am not there. Learning to make decisions for himself at a younger age teaches him what the consequences of his decisions are. The first time he had to miss a birthday party because he had play practice he was disappointed. When I explained to him that this is the price you pay to go after your dreams, he didn’t hesitate. He had made a commitment to attend play practices according to the schedule, and Darla was strict about not missing play practice (as she should be). I asked him if he’d rather continue doing plays, or stop doing them so he could go to birthday parties like this (a question I ask continually when something like this comes up).  His answer? Well – duh – look at where we are. It was a great feeling for him (and me) when he had friends whose moms then began contacting me wanting to know what his schedule was so they could schedule their birthday parties around his play practice.

If you can dream it you can do it

So here are my top seven reasons I encourage my child to be an actor;

1. Because it is his choice, his passion
2. Because of the sheer joy I see emanate from him when he is on stage, or on a set filming, and especially after the day is done
3. Because I can use it as leverage to ensure he gets good grades. (bad grades mean no more acting – and yes, he knows I will follow through because I always do)
4. Because his faith in himself is stronger than anyone – even me – discouraging him
5. Because of the life’s lessons he is learning while I can still give him guidance;

  • Learning what work ethic is
  • Learning that even when you are doing what you love, after being on set all day you can, will and do come home exhausted – and that’s how it is with any job – which is why it is important to do what you love
  • Learning that there will be people that will only want to be his friend because he is an actor – now and in the future – and how to handle that
  • Learning that it takes a team and effective communication to put together a great end-product
  • Learning that even though he is only one team member, his contribution, as well as his lack of contribution can affect the end product
  • Learning the importance of relationships with others (treating everyone with kindness but don’t let them walk all over you)
  • Learning all about money, taxes, expenses, and tax returns
  • Learning why what you get paid is not what your final check is – and figuring out the percentages of how much goes where and what happens with the rest
  • Learning how to start a business from the ground up because that is what this is
  • Learning to balance play time, school time, and work time and realize it is important to have interests outside of acting as well
  • Learning that choices have consequences
  • Learning that to go after a passion means sometimes making sacrifices in order for it to happen – and that’s ok

6. Because by encouraging my son to go after HIS passion – I have watched him grow more than I ever thought possible
7. Because he has taught me what having faith in yourself means


Who am I to stop him?


The Audition from Hell!   1 comment

Hang on for the ride!

     After twenty plus years in the military, it gets drilled in to you that if you are 15 minutes early, you’re late.  In more than four years of cross-country commuting and running to auditions, some six hours away, not once did I get my son late to an audition.  Even on the day that he had three auditions; so in four hours we went from downtown LA to Santa Monica to Burbank.  Or the day he had two auditions that were 15 minutes apart across town from each other.  Still not sure how we managed that other than “good representation” that helps smooth things over but still got there before his scheduled times.  As a rule, I have learned in LA traffic to double the amount of time it is “supposed” to take to get to an audition, and then add 20 minutes for parking and getting in the door.  It’s worked well.  Except this one time…. (at band camp) ….

     SO, Cody has an audition in the afternoon and gets coaching in the morning as his coach is booked later in the day.  He also has just that week started algebra and had been frustrated at 4 attempts for one assignment, so I decided to become his tutor.  After all, I am a college graduate.  I did get good grades in Algebra in high school.  Except….it’s been a few decades years.  SO, it’s kind of like both of us stumbling in the dark.  The joys of home-schooling with an on-line program!  While he is appreciative, he’s still frustrated because of course an on-line course does not show you what you did wrong.  In hindsight, the probably was not the best day to start doing this….


     SO, audition is at 4:00 in Santa Monica in an area/building we have been before so I know the parking situation on the street behind the building where we need to be.  Or so I thought.  We leave at 3:00 (later I realized that my math be-fuddled brain was so messed up that I mis-calculated – we should have left at 2:30, but then I couldn’t share this story!), and of course the traffic is worse than usual.  We show up in the area to park (mind you, the breakdown also says “we do not validate at the nearby garage, there is parking available in the surrounding neighborhoods and parking meters on side streets). WELL, the HUGE parking lot that is behind these set of buildings is now under construction and the ONE STREET that ALWAYS has parking – one side there are NO available spaces (although if people parked right there would have been a few), the other side of this same street and ALL the neighborhoods have “permit parking only” otherwise no parking allowed. The parking on the street with meters…no parking from 3-5pm! WTF!?  So I drive around for 30 minutes LEARNING all this shit crap and not a single legal parking space. I ask Cody to pull out the breakdown to read the details that maybe I missed. He discovers he does not have his headshot folder, which also has the printed breakdown…and sides. Well double-crap.  It’s too late to drive back to get headshots…and you NEVER show up at an audition without a headshot….I suggest calling his manager about the time that I decide to park in un-validated garage, however, I forget that the entrance is on the side street that I had already passed and not on the main drag, and of course the FIRST right turn to go back around is a half mile away (which seems like 10 miles when you’re in a hurry). Cody asks his manager what he should do since he forgot his headshot….well….some good-natured heckling happened here.  It is already after 4:00 so, he’s late.  No getting around it.  We pull in to the parking garage and the valet says we can park “over there” but could get charged $20. Cheaper than a $60+ parking ticket – and after 3 I can’t afford another one. At 4:10 we walk in to the lobby of the building where the sign-in is at. Cody signs in and I sit down – my brain still befuddled and wondering what the $#>! just happened. We sign the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and the casting director (CD) takes Cody and 2 other boys upstairs together to the audition room.

Image    Image  Image

     After the audition, Cody gives me the low-down. Fortunately they had a set of sides next to sign-in, so he used those. He said he handed the CD the NDA, and said “here’s the NDA, and I don’t have a headshot because it’s been one of THOSE days” and the CD laughs and says she totally understands. He says he has seen this CD before so they know him and his work. They did tell him they were very happy with his performance and how professional he was. And they proceeded to ask him if he would be ok if they dyed his hair. He tells them “I don’t care, it’s just hair” (HA – he made a rhyme!  Gotta find the humor somewhere here!)

     On the way back to the parking garage (which ended up costing only $6….I could have saved $20 in gas driving around for 30 minutes!) we decide to go to the nearest Starbucks and just chill for a little bit because we are going to have to deal with this traffic going back. And since we know how accurate googlemaps is, we pull it up on the phone, AND the gps (I like to follow the pink line), and proceed to head to starbucks…and as we arrive at the location….no such Starbucks to be seen. OK – let’s just go home then. SOOOOOO, once again because googlemaps is SO informative and shows traffic, I reach for my phone so that he can bring up the route and see if we can at least go a direction that is less congested (like that’s even possible in LA?)….no phone. I reach under BOTH legs (I usually keep it under my right one, sticking out, so that I can grab it quickly if needed.) No phone, I even reached between my legs….Cody asks if it is on silent (no – as we had just had the discussion after the audition about my noises sounding like a clown car), and proceeds to call it. No ringing–it goes to voicemail; he takes everything out of my purse he calls my Mary Poppins bag, no dice.  He looks all over on the floor. I am of course thinking WTF?! Yet again, and how the hell could I have LOST MY PHONE when I SWEAR I had it in my hand getting IN the car. SO I pull off to a side street where I have to go 3 blocks to find a safe place to pull over….and proceed to get out….the phone was UNDER MY ASS (my husband had a field day with THAT). No missed call. UGH. I said many choice words – yes – a complete long run-on sentence of nothing but profanity came out of my mouth quite loudly and Cody looks at me big-eyed and in all seriousness says “you sound just like aunt Diane.”  I looked at him and said “where do you think I learned it?”  What on EARTH IS it with this ENTIRE day?!  It was funny, but not.

     BACK in the vehicle I get and we head home. In spite of all this we are both in good spirits. Because he is now taking psychology, he is sharing with me that there is something to be learned from this, so we proceed to analyze the events of the past two hours. Coming to Santa Monica we need to leave 15 minutes earlier (ya think?!). The parking fiasco – that changed since the last time we were there and of course we did not know that. What he said he got out of it – don’t take anything for granted, and don’t take yourself or life, too seriously (not like we’re gonna get out of it alive anyway!). I told him he handled himself well and as professionally as he could considering the circumstances. It didn’t do any good to get angry or frustrated (I believe it was short-lived on both our parts as neither of us snapped at each other over it–we just both kind of laughed through it – befuddled). He didn’t beat himself up over it too much before going in to the audition, and obviously did well as he usually does. It is nice to see that the CDs know his work. 

     SO, two hours later we are home, relaxing, eating dinner and his manager calls. He says they put a pin in Cody…then pulled it out. (this means that they are one of the final picks but haven’t completely decided yet). When Cody books, it has ALWAYS been his manager AND agent on the phone to congratulate him when he books…it was only his manager this time and so in my brain I am thinking “ok, he didn’t book, so why is he calling and telling us they put a pin in him and then pulled it out?” As my brain fizzles some more he continues….HE BOOKED!!!! This was for an episode of Revolution as young Calvin Horn titled “Come Blow Your Horn” which first aired in November.  Oh – and he’ll be done with 9th Grade Algebra in the next couple of weeks.  He’s got an A so far…



To see what else Cody has been working on, you can follow his fanpage on Facebook or check out his imdb page.

The Opposite of Disappointment   7 comments

Well, it is official.  We found out this last week that the pilot Cody auditioned for, Prodigy Bully, did not get picked up to series.  Surprisingly we are not too disappointed – except for the fact that we won’t get to work daily with such a great cast and crew.  I’ve had a couple of people make comments about how “heart-breaking” this must be for us, but it’s not—at least not for us.  This is a part of the business, and we are fully aware that in filming a pilot it may not be picked up to series.  The old adage “smile because it happened, don’t cry because it’s over” holds true here.

On set of Prodigy Bully

The positives I see in this;

1.   We made many new friends that I am sure we’ll have the opportunity to see again.  Some we shared contact info and we’ll still keep in touch.

2.   I still got feedback that my son did fantastic, and that he is a great actor and wonderful to work with – validation from industry professionals that we must be doing something right – as parents, and as the kid/actor involved.

3.   I learned more about filling out the tax forms (even though I know this part well due to my own experience, I goofed by putting ZERO exemptions on his W-4 form.  Don’t do that.  They took 50% in taxes.  I don’t like getting large returns at the end of the year…so now I have to adjust accordingly – the plus – each job you fill out a new W-4 for the job).

4.   Because of this, he is now SAG-AFTRA Union.  He can no longer do non-union work however, I am not He learned to ride a horse!seeing a downside to this.  Being Union you are offered more protections as an actor.  I am still learning all of the benefits, and have much reading to do.  I’ve seen many breakdowns that have said “will not hire must-join, must be non-union or full union” so now there’s no concern of the “in-between stage” any more.

5.   He’s now auditioning for more pilots (while major network pilot season is Jan-Mar, all the other networks start them whenever they feel like it – year-round).

6.   He got to learn how to ride a horse for the show!

7.  He learned some basics about stunts

8.   I learned more about how the entire process works.  Each time there are new things to learn.  It seems that even each network will run things differently

9.   Auditions continue as always – which means the casting directors still think he’s good enough to bring in to audition.  This also means – there’s no time to be bummed!

                 There was another pilot, Malibu Country, that wanted him to test too. We found out over a 2-day period that both wanted him to test.  Since he tested and booked Prodigy Bully before Malibu Country did their testing, he didn’t test for them.  Well, Malibu Country got picked up…in fact, we know the kids that booked that will be playing Reba’s children.  AND, the part that he auditioned for…got cut before the pilot went to filming.  I am SO happy for the kids that booked it, and their parents, too.  I honestly think it happened to exactly the right kids.  They are great actors, and very down-to-earth kids.  Watch the show – it is hysterical – we got to watch the pilot being filmed, and if I can, I will watch every episode during filming.  *Testing means that choices are down to the last 2-4 for the parts, and contracts are signed committing to the series along with the terms.  When they go in to test, paperwork has to be signed before they are allowed in the audition room.

                Cody is continuing to audition for other projects, feature films, TV guest roles, and pilots.  Since filming Prodigy Bully he booked his first print job, as well as a new Comedy Central Show called Mash-Up.  He got to work with Pete Holmes on that one – another great experience with such a light-hearted cast and crew—but then it IS all about the comedy!  It’s not often that a person gets paid to be a goof-ball.

On set of Mash-Up with Pete Holmes

                I do have to admit, I was initially concerned that he would be upset that Prodigy Bully did not get picked up to series, but then I guess he does listen to me.  I always believe there is a reason for everything, and that this just makes room for something bigger and better even if we don’t know/see it now; apparently that attitude has rubbed off on him.  He shrugged his shoulders and said “when’s the next audition?”  Which is good, because in the next 24 hours he got THREE!

But it’s SO competitive!   Leave a comment

One thing I have found out since getting my son in this business, is the great resources and networking that is available.  This has been a nice surprise since it is not something I expected when we first began our journey in to film and television acting.  One of those resources I discovered is the Hollywood Mom Blog; and as a result, I also contribute to her blog.  But it’s SO competitive gives a different look on booking a role.

Enjoy and feel free to comment!

Who IS that kid?   Leave a comment

I find that that now every time I watch a movie or a TV show and I see a kid on it, I wonder “Who IS that kid?” I never did this before having a kid in the business.  Sometimes I wonder if it makes me a nut that I now want to know “more” about who I am seeing on TV.  One thing I do like, though, is that I can go to the Internet Movie Data Base and look up the TV show or movie, and usually find out who is in it, and then find out what other projects they have done.  I find this helpful when I see a face that looks familiar but I cannot remember from where – so now I no longer have to wake up at 2 a.m. and say “NOW I REMEMBER!” before I go back to sleep!

Let me sleep!

Let me sleep!

I do like that I have a place to search information on projects now.  IMDB, while it is a subsidiary of Amazon, is a great resource for checking out projects Cody is auditioning for as well as producers, directors, casting directors, and even agents and managers.  I never thought I would become so familiar with a website!   When I did start using it, I found interesting that these “sudden overnight sensations” had been in the business for years and had many projects on their resume.  Most actors and actresses are not like Lana Turner, who was “discovered” while sitting at an ice cream counter in a drug store.  Those are few and far between.  Most actors are busting their behinds doing what they love, the fame, from what I am seeing, is secondary.

Please share if you have any resources you use to check out projects!


Back to blogging!   Leave a comment

WOW – it’s been a LONG time since the last post!  I need to work on this more!

Cody filmed as young Edward Fudge in Hell & Mr. Fudge in Athens, Alabama.  It was a fantastic cast and crew, and we got to meet the real Edward Fudge, his lovely wife, Sara, as well as other family members.  The film also has a fanpage on Facebook and is still in post-production.  He had a wonderful time and it was so wonderful to work with an awesome cast and crew.  The movie is scheduled to be released sometime in 2012.


This is one scene where he is imitating his father at the radio station.

SO—the short answer as to why I haven’t blogged in nearly a year…we’ve been busy!  Cody continues to have auditions; with school, auditions, callbacks, going home to Florida, vacation, spend time with family (and the dog!) and then getting settled back in Los Angeles for pilot season.  Cody quickly got new agency representation, and was going out for many pilots, as well as commercials, films and guest star roles on TV shows, and of course they all continue.  He also finished 7th grade and is moving on to 8th Grade soon.

The most exciting part?  We found out in a two day period he would test for two separate pilots.  He tested for Prodigy Bully first and booked it, therefore, could not test for the second one.  But what an awesome problem to have!  When he booked it, he was SO excited – as for me, it took three days for my head to stop buzzing. It is so neat to be so close on the sidelines watching him realize his dreams…and he’s only 13.

It is a surreal experience to watch movies and TV shows he auditioned for coming out now.  Green Lantern was his very first callback when we were still in Florida.  Last year was his first pilot season, and he tested for two pilots.  It was an exciting time, but two pilots he auditioned for (and did not test) were Touch and Once Upon a Time.  I love who they chose for the parts he went out for, and I think that they picked exactly the right person (not that my opinion matters in this!).  It is interesting to be able to see the choices that were made, and you realize how hard the casting directors work to get the right cast and do their part as a team to make this the best production possible.

The filming of Prodigy Bully happened over the last two weeks.  We will find out by the end of May if it gets picked up to series.  Filming was a fantastic and positive experience for Cody and he had SO much fun.  He was disappointed with one thing, though.  That it was over.  We made new friends, and he even said before it was done filming that it felt like being a part of a family.  Whether or not this goes to series, it’s been an exciting experience, and he has gotten to do exactly what he loves best – be on a set acting.

In the midst of all of this, I have met many parents new to the business and unsure where to go next–or just where to start!  When I start sharing what I have learned, I realize how much I have learned in just two short years. There is a LOT I did not know before arriving in LA the first time, but I have since found many resources I will share in my next post so the information is not buried in this one.  So stay tuned!

Is being the Mom of a Child Actor a full time job?   4 comments

I cannot believe it is already the end of May!  Cody has been SO busy that I don’t know what end is up!

In the last five months, between Cody’s 45 auditions (which does not include callbacks, producer’s sessions, testing, booking and filming) his school, acting classes, and my full-time school, I am now bald.  I have pulled out all my hair!

Seriously, we’ve survived.  I was going to school full-time getting my master’s degree.  I finally realized that I no longer have the energy I had when I was 20 years old.  So just this past month, I changed my enrollment to half time.  Ironically, it got more busy for Cody with his auditions!  The Universe abhors a vacuum, and so filled the so-called free time! And for that I am thankful – it was filled with exactly what I had intended it to be filled with!

Some of the things I have learned over these past few months; regardless of how busy you become, you need to have a great support system.  In our case, my husband is still back in Florida working and taking care of the dog and the house and whatever else comes up.  His support while Cody and I are in Los Angeles is invaluable.  Other family members and friends have been wonderful support as well.

I spent more than twenty years in the Air Force, and was stationed overseas for two of my six assignments.  There was a comradarie being stationed overseas that you really can’t explain to those that have not experienced it.  Everyone is sacrificing life away from families (not necessarily kids and spouses, but sometimes–but always parents and siblings).  Fellow strangers in uniform aren’t.  There is a comfort in “knowing” what the others in uniform are going through.  And when the holidays come, even though we cannot spend them the way we did for years at home when growing up, we come together and make and share new memories.

When Cody and I arrived in Los Angeles in April of 2010 (barely over a year now), I looked at it like another temporary duty assignment in the military (except we were funding it!).  I was leaving my husband behind, but also with his support, was excited for the beginning of a new life being the mom of a child actor.  It’s interesting listening to the “naysayers” that like to claim “you’re exploiting your children for the sake of the almighty dollar” or whatever other reason they choose.  I have a son who, since he was 8 years old has said “mom, I want to be an actor” with a focus that I rarely see ADULTS have.  How can a parent deny a child their dream when you have the means to make it happen?  We couldn’t – especially since he kept PROVING he was serious.  And he still does.  Oh yes, and the money he makes?  It’s his.  Not mine, not my husbands.  And anyone that has been in a business for themselves knows how fast the expenses will deplete actual gross earnings.

So getting back to the original question; Is being the mom of a child actor a full time job?  Well…I always hate hearing this answer, but believe it or not, it is oh so accurate.  IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE GOALS ARE.  I know one mom who’s son was in a movie with mine.  She wants to raise a family with her husband and really doesn’t want to drive two plus hours to Los Angeles every time her oldest (of three) gets an audition.  I can’t say I blame her.  Cody is an only child.  I have already told him that I am not so sure I could do this if he had a sibling that wasn’t interested in the entertainment world.

As for us, Cody’s focus amazes me on a daily basis.  Friends and family tell me it is because of me he is so focused.  I will take some credit – I am trying to teach him what I know about focus and putting your goals in to writing.  But he’s only twelve years old, and while still very much a kid, he’s not only auditioning, he’s writing scripts (he’s got SUCH an active imagination!), and wants to direct and produce projects as well.  I already know, without a doubt, my son will be an integral part of the entertainment world for the rest of his life.  And I LOVE spending my days watching it unfold as I take him to auditions and meet such wonderful people.

Cody recently wrote down his goals (again).  I am most amazed that one of them are that he wants to be an Academy Award Winning Actor – and that he wants to act in that movie by his birthday this year (September 15th).  I don’t know if it will happen, but I don’t know that it won’t either.  And if it doesn’t happen by then, that doesn’t matter.  My mastermind group always says “change the date – don’t change the goal.”

YES, for me being the mom of a child actor IS a full time job.  I’m getting my master’s degree in Business Management, with the focus in Marketing.  I want to market the work he is doing to the right people.  After all, it seems the more he works, the more work he gets!


This is Cody's newest Post Card

This is the front side of his latest post card.  We mail these out to our mailing list – snail mail as well as email (depending on preference) to let people know what he’s been doing.

In this past week, he ended up with six auditions.  Two, one a voiceover, and one for a guest appearance on a TV show, we got “short notice” meaning after 5 pm, and they were to be filmed/recorded and emailed BEFORE the next morning.  He did outstanding, and the TV show video was sent to producers.  We don’t know anything further yet (after all, it is a holiday weekend!), but that’s ok.  One of his “auditions” was actually a callback/producer/director session.  He booked a supporting role in Hell & Mr. Fudge as the young Mr. Fudge.  He is very excited, and very thankful to the casting director, producers and director of the film for such a wonderful opportunity (and…who knows…this could be that film in his goal list!)

As for me, over these past few months, I have continued to meet parents – mostly mom’s – supporting their kids as well.  This is NOT an “over night” sensation pie-in-the-sky dream for any of our kids.  I have, once again, become a part of a comraderie of people that nothing has to be said, there is just a “knowing” in what we are all dealing with, but yet an excellent support system to become a part of.  I’ve “heard of” the “stage mom’s” (and really, you DON’T want to be one of them!) yet I have been fortunate enough to not have to deal with any of them.  Supposedly this is a competitive industry, yet I don’t see it that way.  Each child is different, no matter how many “look” alike – and each project is different.  This is a business for the producers, and they want to hire the ones that fit the best in their project that will make money for them.  In reality, they want every single kid to book the job, but they also know the job can only go to one.  And that’s the one with the right “fit” with the rest of the cast.  To me, that is not a competition.  Competition assumes you have control over an outcome.

I deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and often, because of it, I think that I am “not doing enough” in my life.  One of the biggest things I learned just this past five months is that I am raising an outstanding kid to the best of my ability and that requires me to “be there” as much as possible.  I look at my PTSD as a blessing actually, because it has also taught me to pay attention to what my limitations are, and focus on the priorities one day at a time.  As much as I want to “DO” whatever else comes to mind, for now, regardless of his goals and dreams, my 12-year-old son is my priority.  I realize that once he becomes an adult, while I will still be a part of his life, he will very much have a life of his own (believe it or not, he has also mapped out his college and life as an adult…WOW).

If you have something to add, or questions, feel free to add or ask questions!  Writing this blog is one of “MY” things I have chosen to have for ME, so I don’t go completely insane!

Valerie Sullivan
Mom to Cody Sullivan



Pilot Season has begun!   Leave a comment

It has been busy this last month getting settled in.  I always mean to post more, but wow, a lot is going on!

Cody has been auditioning for some pilots, and today we officially found out that one he tested for he did not get.  More on this later.  This is our first pilot season here in Los Angeles, so we’re ready for being busy!

In this hectic month, we got new headshots for him.  His last ones were taken in April 2010, and it is amazing how much he has changed in just nine months!  Here are the ones his agents and manager chose out of the 300.  There were only about 10 I didn’t like, so it was nice to have their help!




For those of you that don’t know, the difference between a Commercial Headshot and and a Theatrical Headshot is shown here.  Why have both?

To make it easy, commercial headshots are to bring to commercial auditions, and also to comedy auditions.  Theatrical is for the drama shows and films.

So now he’s ready to run with the new headshots!  Just in time for the auditions he’s getting.

Now, for the pilot he tested for.  It was for Disney, and while he did not get it, and he is a little disappointed, there is more to look at than “he just didn’t get it.”

For those of you that don’t know here is how the process works;

Auditions are usually what casting directors call “pre-reads” and they bring MANY in just for one role.

Callbacks can be the casting director bringing in the few they’ve narrowed down to to narrow down further, OR

It can also be a producer’s session.  This is where the producer’s are either in the room, or they will see the video (sometimes a combination of the two depending on how many producers there are).

Producer’s sessions can be multiple as well as the callbacks for the casting directors (there is no set number, it depends on the project).

Once the producer’s have narrowed it down, it goes to testing, and at this point there is just 2 or 3 for a role.  The various actors will come together to test and read together.  This is sometimes called a chemistry read.

The good points in this?  Cody made the casting director look great!   The producers also told him that he hit every single comedic timing point exactly as written and they wanted it.  He left a good impression.

Yes, he was a little disappointed–who wouldn’t be.  But he’s got a great attitude.  Of course, the fact that he had another audition today, and another scheduled for next week (so far) might have helped redirect his attention.  No, he didn’t get it, so he moves on to the next thing.  Honestly it is the best attitude to have–and I’m glad he has it.

See more of Cody’s headshots at:;; or follow his fan page on facebook